Brian had to go to New York last minute for work so Eddie and I headed to California. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Emily went into labor at 2am the night we arrived! Georgia arrived March 15th at 8:01am weighing 8lbs 1oz. Emily didn't find out what she was having so a little girl was such a fun surprise! Jared on the other hand knew the entire pregnancy and kept it a secret!! I was shocked and very impressed that he was able to not give it away. It was so fun being pregnant with Em, but I can't even explain how fun it is having kids 4wks apart.
Its hilarious and so fun being around the Spears family. Georgia is never seen without a bow in her hair, and if it falls out you hear emily say, "oh no!! she's naked! " Then you have the big brothers and sister singing "George, George, Georgia of the Jungle" or arguing about who's turn it is to hold Georgia Peach. We wish so much we could live close to them and go jogging with jogging strollers everyday :), but cell phones and pictures messages will have to do for now.